Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's in MagnaRx? Pygeum

What is pygeum? And why is it in a popular male enhancement product?

Well, it is supposed to help with prostate function -- the prostate is key to good sexual health, so perhaps that's the thinking.

My research indicates it usually doesn't have much benefit in younger men...but can help older men (50+) with prostate health issues -- it's more preventive than anything else. So, if you're under 50, the possible benefits of pygeum would seem minimal.

MagnaRx does seem to have its fair share of good ingredients that generally benefit a man's sexual performance and health.

I suppose it is quite possible that taking the recommended dose (which I believe is 2 pills daily) could result in benefits over time. If you go this route, take 1 pill in the morning and 1 in the evening.

This should NOT be mistaken for a "one-time" performance enhancer. You need to get the assortment of supplements in your system to get the benefits over time.

Of course, you may simply be able to enhance one particular deficiency (say L-Arginine) and get similar benefits with regular dosing.

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