Monday, October 15, 2012

Does Fish Oil Really Help Your Brain?


It does.  Keep taking fish oil.  And eating healthy fish.  Of course, it has heart benefits.  And can help your vision.  And relieve joint inflammation.

But, it also really, really helps your brain. 

That's great news, especially in light of recent reports of fish oil's minimal benefits for your heart.

It's important to note that there are many, many studies that tout fish oil's benefits for the heart.  And a diet rich in healthy fats and lean protein has been shown to be good for your heart and your overall health.  Also, just b/c you take supplements doesn't mean you can engage in otherwise unhealthy eating.

And ... don't forget to exercise.  Blood flow to your brain is critical -- and improved with regular exercise.  Exercise can also relieve the stiffness that causes joint pain.  Plus, over time, regular exercise boosts energy levels -- helping you feel less tired.

So, keep eating healthy fish.  And taking your fish oil supplement.  And of course, exercising.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can What You Eat Make Your Allergies Worse?

yes, yes it can.  Apples, bananas, watermelon.  If you eat them in the fall, they can exacerbate your pollen allergies.  Ugh.  Here's why.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How to fight the flu

The remedies include old favorites like chicken soup and yes, even HOT peppers!

Read more.