Sunday, November 15, 2009

again on cayenne

I usually recommend (and practice) very healthy behavior -- smart eating and lots of exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

but, sometimes you want to look and feel great for a special event. Or, you have a date. Or whatever.

You've been working hard, eating right, and need a boost for the last couple pounds!

that's when it makes sense to use cayenne fruit.

just buy a bottle at your local store and follow the dosing instructions... i usually take half the recommended dose... and if i don't do anything else crazy (like eat a tub of ice cream) the cayenne can help me lose 1/2 to a full pound over 1-2 days. that's quite a metabolic boost.

I don't recommend taking it all the time b/c it "tears up" my stomach.

but... it works.

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